First training
1. CoolHeating project, Elektropriveda, Elma Turkovic
2. Overview of the activities for the improvement of the framework conditions for the increasing use of biomass, GIZ, Nihad Harbas
3. USAID Projekat Investiranje u sektor energije, USAID, Fahrudin Kulić
4. Presentation of the industrial partners
5. Best practice example in Denmark, Braedstrup district heating company, Jim Larsen
6. Toplinska mreža Thann/Vatersdorf, Ulrich Bader
7. Kako započeti projekat malog centraliziranog toplinskog/rashladnog sustava, GET, Christian Dozcekal
8. Kotlovi i logistika biomase - praktično znanje, Herz, Gerhard Glinzerer
9. Cijevi za distribucijsku mrežu centraliziranih toplinskih sustava - praktično znanje, Thermaflex, Christian Engel
10. Cijevi za distribucijsku mrežu centraliziranih toplinskih sustava - praktično znanje, Tomislav Martinčić
11. Podstanice, Danfos, Velimir Nastasić
12. Priručnik za male centralizirane toplinske/rashladne sustave, GET, Christian Dozcekal
Second training
1. CoolHeating project, Elektropriveda, Elma Turkovic
2. Parents house - Example of realized small district heating system, representative of zero energy house
3. How to start planning using the technical calculation tool EnergyPRO for district heating, Jakob Worm, PlanEnergi
4. Municipality of Visoko - case study, Marin Petrović, municipality of Visoko
5. The Integration of large-scale solar thermal and heat pumps in district heating systems, Jakob Worm, PlanEnergi